American Coalition for Filipino Veterans Inc.
June 9, 2016 Victory in the Senate |

Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-Hi in red) & Eric Lachica, Rudy Panaglima, Georgette Beltran & Celestino Almeda |
Thank you Statement of
June 9, 2016
U.S. Capitol Washington DC
Good morning everyone.
My name is RODOLFO "Rudy" PANAGLIMA. I am Filipino World War II veteran. I am a member of American Coalition
for Filipino Veterans. I am 86 years old. My wife and I are US Citizens. We reside in Arlington, Virginia.
My wife PURA is 83. She and I immigrated to the United States more than 20 years ago. We have four adult children. My
two sons in Philippines, ROLANDO and RAOUL, have approved immigration petitions since 1995 - and have waited more than twenty
years to join us.
We need Rolando and Raul to take care of us - because of our age. We don't have relatives in the area. Fortunately, my
two other children, Olivia and Roel, happily live in England.
In World War II, when I was 13 years old, my father, a guerrilla commander, drafted me as his runner or courier to smuggle
vital intelligence, gather information and collect voluntary contributions from our town people. Later during the liberation
campaign, my father and I were attached to US Airborne & 1st Cavalry Division.
Today, I am a proud American who had served honorably. Hopefully in a few months, my two sons could be with me in America
with this parole visa program.
On behalf of the whole Panaglima family, I would like to convey our heartfelt gratitude to his excellency, President Barack
Obama and to the honorable Senators MAZIE HIRONO, HARRY REID, TIM KAINE and others for their humanitarian leadership and for
helping us elderly veterans.
We hope President Obama's executive order for a humanitarian parole visas for the children of my comrades and their widows
will be implemented quickly and fairly by the U S C I S.
Maraming salamat. Thank you very much.
CLICK: Parole Visas for Family Reunification website & USCIS forms I-131, I-134 & more
29, 2007
July Revival
for Family Reunification
ACFV leaders & members:
Yesterday, we were sad and upset about the Filipino Veterans Family Reunification (FVFR)
as a part of the Comprehensive Immigration Reform bill, S. 1639, being blocked in a procedural battle on the Senate floor
by a bipartisan vote of 53 to 46.
Today, we can remain hopeful because of the previous overwhelming Senate May 24 vote
of 87 to 9 for the Akaka FVFR amendment.
We are confident with the support of 87 senators we can revive the Akaka-Hirono
FVFR amendment as a rider to one of "moving" must pass bills in the near future, as suggested earlier by one of our Republican
Salamat po for your continued support and efforts for equity+family.
Have a great
July 4th holiday!
ERIC LACHICA Executive Director American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, Inc
www.philippinenews.com San Francisco CA weekly
Despite setback, veterans hopeful for family bill
M. Gerona-Adkins, Jun 20, 2007
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- "We are disgusted, but we are not losing hope," Art Caleda, president
of the World War II Filipino Veterans organization in Hawaii, told Philippine News, reacting to the Senate's failure to
pass the comprehensive immigration reform bill last week.
The bipartisan bill was debated on the floor for two weeks
in an effort to accommodate several amendments toward a final Senate vote, but was closed for further discussion last Thursday,
June 7, by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nevada), leaving the bill in limbo.
The bill accommodates an amendment
authored by Sen. Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) allowing for sons and daughters of naturalized World War II Filipino veterans to be
reunited with them in the United States.
"We share the disappointment of Senator Akaka, on whom we pin our hopes
for the reunification of our family," the 81-year old veteran, who petitioned his three children and two underage grandchildren
15 years ago to be allowed to join him and his wife Luz in the U.S., added sadly.
Caleda, who is also president of
the 1,500-member WWII FilAm Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary of Hawaii, was with the Intelligence Service Company, 11th Infantry
Regiment, of the U.S. Armed Forces of the Philippines for the last two years of the effort that led to the capture of Japan's
General Yamashita.
Bill to Affect 18,000 Family Members
Akaka's bill, the Filipino WWII Veterans Family Reunification
Act, had won an overwhelming 87-9 Senate vote as an amendment to the senate immigration bill on May 24, raising a chorus of
jubilant Filipino American veterans whose children had been waiting in the immigration pipeline.
According to estimates,
there are about 18,000 eligible children and grandchildren to be affected by the bill. The bill, however, will cover only
those family members for whom applications for emigration to the U.S. have been filed and paid for by naturalized Filipino
WWII veterans.
The reopening of the Senate debate on the immigration bill is expected to take place this week.
veterans, including Caleda and his Hawaii-based compatriots, are also looking at other options.
"We have met with Sen.
Akaka's district office staff, in particular Michael Kitamura, and are looking at the suggestion of pushing the Akaka bill
as part of the equity bill," Caleda said.
More Reactions from Veterans
Other U.S.-based Filipino veterans had
also expressed their joy and expectations at the Akaka bill's inclusion in the emerging Senate immigration bill.
are very happy about the good news," Joe Gonzalez, 82, of Texas, told PN by phone on May 24. "I petitioned my seven children
12 years ago in 1994, and paid the $90 fee for each of them. They are still waiting, and have started to contact me when they
could come."
A former president of a FilAm veterans association in Hawaii when he lived there for 11 years, Gonzalez
was among the veterans who came to lobby for the Akaka bill for its successful inclusion in the senate immigration bill that
eventually passed in the previous 109th Congress.
Joaquin Tejada, 80, a D.C.-based veteran member of ACFV who lobbies
in Congress as frequently as his bad legs could stand the walking, also hopes his two daughters could finally be reunited
with him too.
Celestino Almeda, 90, who lives in Virginia and still manages to take the Metro to Congress by himself
despite one un-seeing eye, petitioned for his only son, Reynaldo, two years ago.
"I am waiting for him to join me,"
he said, adding that he paid the current fee of $120 for his application.
These veterans are among the remaining 7,000
Filipino veterans living in the U.S. after many of their naturalized compatriots had chosen to go back to the Philippines.
Of the surviving 18,000 to 19,000 Filipino WWII veterans estimated by the Akaka bill, 13,000 are living in the Philippines.
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March 9, 2006
Akaka & Democrats Request $106 Million,
Filipino Veterans Ask for Hearings
- Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii), the Ranking Member of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, four Democrat senators,
and Independent Sen. James Jeffords (Vermont) on the committee, submitted last week a budget request for $106 Million
for monthly pensions for Filipino WWII veterans, according to the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, a Washington-based
advocacy group.
In their March 2, 2006 "Views and Estimates Letter on the FY07 VA Budget Proposal," to the Senate Budget
Committee, Akaka and the five senators said, " We believe it is time to provide non-service connected pension for Filipino veterans
. and request an additional $106 million for Filipinos who served alongside U.S. servicemembers during World War II."
Akaka decided to take the lead after he met with about THIRTY Hawaii based veterans and community leaders
last month. On February 17, he wrote veteran leader Art Caleda, "I am writing to inform you of my cosponsorship of S.
146, the Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2005 <.> I understand that my support for Filipino veterans was questioned following
the receipt of my letter last year about the status of S. 146. The letter stated that the fiscal situation in FY06 would
make enactment of the bill difficult. I apologize for any misunderstanding <.> I can assure you of my unwavering
support for equity for Filipino veterans. I was trying to convey the challenges that we face in trying to enact the
bill given the fiscal situation and the lack of true understanding among some of my colleagues about the sacrifices
made by Filipino veterans and their families."
The four Democrat senators supporting Akaka's budget request are:
John Rockefeller IV (WVa), Patty Murray (WA), Barack Obama (IL) and Ken Salazar (CO). There are eight Republican senators on
the VA committee led by their chairman Larry Craig (ID).
Previously on February 23, thirteen Democrats in the
House Veterans Affairs Committee led by Ranking Member Rep. Lane Evans (IL) announced their "Views and Estimates" request
with a $106 million proposed budget for Filipino veterans.
"We are excited about this breakthrough," said Franco
Arcebal, 82, a low-income veteran in Los Angeles and the ACFV vice president for membership. "We fought for America
and served honorably. We deserve a modest pension to fully recognize our sacrifices," he added. Arcebal was severely
tortured by Japanese soldiers when he captured as a Filipino guerrilla in Ilocos Sur, Philippines when he was gathering
intelligence in 1944.
The coalition leaders are campaigning for early congressional hearings. They are now negotiating with
congress members, the VA Department and the White House to approve the final pension formula and budget. They are counting
on the crucial leadership of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R), Rep. Darrell Issa, (R-Vista CA), the
main sponsor of the Equity bill H.R. 4574 and Virginia Senator George Allen (R), a cosponsor of S. 146. ----------------------------------------------------------
December 22, 2005
Schwarzenegger Appeals to Bush,
Rep. Issa Leads Campaign
– On the 64th anniversary World War II, elderly Filipino veterans received early Christmas gifts from
three Republican leaders who will champion their campaign to win full U.S. recognition and VA pensions next year.
December 8, 2005, California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wrote to President Bush to support “the Filipino Veterans
Equity Act (that) would eliminate gaps in coverage … ensure all Filipino veterans receive the same benefits available
to American veterans (and) give these veterans their long overdue recognition and the benefits they deserve.”
December 16, 2005, Rep. Darrell ISSA (R-Vista CA) re-introduced the new "Filipino Veterans Equity Act of 2006," The original
cosponsors of H.R. 4574 are: Bob Filner (D-Chula Vista CA), Duncan Hunter (R-El Cajon CA), Richard Pombo (R-Stockton
CA), Del. Madeleine Bordallo (D-GUAM), Thelma Drake (R-Virginia Beach VA), Dan Burton (R-Indianapolis), Neil Abercrombie (D-Honolulu
HI), Bobby Scott (D-Richmond VA), Michael Honda (D-Campbell CA), and Howard Berman (D-Van Nuys CA). 5 Republicans and 6 Democrats.
on Capitol Hill, Issa was thanked by ACFV leaders: Pat Ganio, Fred Diaz and Jose Genito of Jersey City's PAVO. Organization,
Regino Nacua of San Francisco Fil-Am Veterans, Spouses & Families Assn., Manuel Cannu and Dalmacio Chuga of San Diego,
Alberto Bacani of Virginia, Joaquin Tejada and Tomas Culanag of DC and Percival Abu, Embassy veterans officer.
a Vietnam War U.S. Army veteran and a businessman, told ACFV leaders, "I'm positive we can do the second part next year...
We always keep our promises. However, we (congress) don't keep them on time." He is a member of the International Relations
are quickly fading away. Schwarzenegger, Issa and Allen gave us Christmas gifts to fight on," said Alfredo Diaz,
89, New Jersey veteran coordinator of ACFV. Diaz is a former marathon runner, a defender in the Battle for Bataan and escaped
from the Death March in 1942. ACFV also thanked Philippine Ambassador Del Rosario and Gen. Lorenzana of the Embassy's Office
of Veterans Affairs and Rep. Filner for their behind the scenes efforts with Issa.
recent resignation of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Escondido CA), former main sponsor of the Equity bill (H.R. 302), had
placed the bill in limbo. The bill had to be re-introduced by another Republican as main sponsor to proceed in the legislative
Issa also filed a separate House resolution H. Res. 622 to complement Senate Resolution S. Res.
307 introduced by Sen. George Allen (R-VA) that "recognizes and honors the Filipino World War II veterans for defense
of American democracy" that earlier passed on November 10.
the veterans joined the forum of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus chaired by Rep. Michael Honda (D-
Campbell CA). They praised the legislators for their commitment to pass their bills in 2006. Ganio publicly thanked Vellie
Dietrich-Hall, commissioner of the White House Initiative on Asian Pacific Americans. Dietrich-Hall, a daughter of a Filipino
veteran, testified.
a Philippine Embassy reception, the ACFV leaders met with Cabinet Secretary Ricardo Saludo, of Philippine President
Gloria Arroyo, and presented a copy of the U.S. Senate Resolution. Gen. Delfin Lorenzana (ret.), Arroyo’s special
representative, Armando Heredia, executive director of the Natl. Fed. of Fil. Am. Associations (NaFFAA) and Dr. Sonny
Carlota MD of Tennessee joined them.
a December 15 party at the VA headquarters, Bacani met with VA Secretary Jim Nicholson and later delivered a copy of Schwarzenegger's
To win in 2006, we need you to recruit a friend !
1, 2005
We marked the 64th anniversary of Franklin D. Roosevelt's (FDR) July 26, 1941 military order drafting
Philippine Commonwealth Army soldiers into the USAFFE by our July actions.
July 12: We had a successful noontime
news conference in Sacramento to appeal to California Arnold Schwarzenegger to support our bills in congress by writing
President Bush just like Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle. Our vets led by Jose Nuega were supported by the Fil-Am Community
of Sacramento led by Dr. Fred Aquino DVM. TV Channel 3 News broadcasted the event at 10 PM. Assemblyman Jerome Horton
(D-Los Angeles) attended and pledged to help negotiate with the governor.
July 22: Nuega, Aquino, Kathy Pflaum
and Sacramento leaders met with the Governor's aides led by VA Undersecretary Major General (Ret) Brautigan and Dept. of Social
Services Asst. Dep. Director Joseph M. Carlin. They were joined by our San Jose Am. Legion six-vet delegation led by Bernardo
Jasmin and Eddie Arabe. The governor's aides requested current population statistics of Filipino veterans in the state and
more details about the bills: S. 146- HR 302 to review and their proposal to the Schwarzenegger. Follow up needed.
24: Our hardy Washington-area veterans led by Joaquin Tejada, Tomas Culanag, Alberto Bacani, Jesse Baltazar, Angelesio
Tugado, Amadeo Urbano were joined by our Jersey City Phil. Am. Vets. Org. (PAVO) leaders led by Jose Genito and Alfredo Diaz
at the advanced screening of "The Great Raid." They were recognized and applauded by 200 members in the audience.
25 Monday: Our vets had morning meetings with the aides of Rep. Issa and Rep. Cunningham. We stressed our continued
commitment to win $200 monthly VA pensions.
At noon, with the leaders from NJ and the New York Am. Legion post
led by Pacifico Timbol and Nora Navida, we had a news event in front of The White House to appeal to President Bush.
(see photo)
In the afternoon, we met the Senate VA Committee's majority staff director and benefits aide. Upon our
request, they agreed they would ask the VA Dept. and the Congressional Budget Office to provide current statistics of
the living Filipino WWII veterans population and budget estimates for the proposed $200 pension budget for the committee to
consider for the October 1, 2006 fiscal year.
Our vets later met with the aides of NY & NJ Senators Hillary
Clinton, Charles Schumer, Frank Lautenberg and Jon Corzine to ask for their prompt cosponsorship of S. 146. NO commitments
for now.
We ended a hot and humid July 25 Action Day with a wreathlaying photo opportunity at the Franklin D. Roosevelt
Monument (see photo).
July 28 Thursday: Tejada, Culanag and Bacani joined former Senator and presidential candidate
Bob Dole (R- Kansas) and Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) in a morning wreathlaying ceremony at WWII Memorial Bataan-Corregidor
fountain with cast of "The Great Raid" movie. Filipino actor Cesar Montano who played the role of WWII guerrilla Capt.
Juan Pajota graced the event with Philippine Ambassador Del Rosario.
Senators Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and John
McCain (R-AZ) chaired the evening premiere of the Miramax movie at the Uptown movie theater before an 800 member
"Great movie," Mrs. Clinton told a Philippine STAR reporter on her way out of the theater. "I hope it creates
sympathy for Filipino veterans who are still fighting for their benefits." "We've been working hard for them and will
continue doing so until they get what they deserve," she said. Follow up required on Clinton and McCain since both
are apparently running for president in 2008.
July 29, Friday: The last day of the congressional session until they
return on Sept. 5 from their 1-month summer recess. Senators and congress members can be reached at their local offices
if they are not on their family vacations. We only have the month of September left this year to get cosponsorships.
may be the best time for you to VISIT them to thank or encourage them to support our bills, if they have not done so.
Need 3 Republican Governors (Now 1- Lingle) Need 9 Senators (Now 4: Inouye, Boxer, Cantwell
& Feinstein) Need 100 Reps. (Now 61: Cunningham et al) Need $15K (Raised about $5K ?) Need publicity (Now
alot: The Great Raid etc.)
I will be in Philippines from Aug. 16 to Sept.4 to consult
our affiliated leaders there on the maintenance of the US $500 K grant-in-aid to Philippine Veterans Memorial Medical
Center (VMMC) and the launching of the "Balik-USA Beterano" campaign.
Our goal is recruit at least 50 US citizen Filipino
WWII veteran volunteers by Nov. 1 to help us in USA by residing in California or with their relatives.
As Americans,
these volunteer BalikUSABeteranos would be fully eligible for full US VA medical, medicines, and nursing home care if
they reside in USA. They may be eligible for Supplemental Security Income ($560 to $700 monthly).
Your suggestions
& continued $upport are always welcome.
Again, many thanks to our tireless DC leaders, Christine Dela Rosa
of GWU-PCS, Maurese Owens, Mitzi Pickard, Bing Branigin and you for a successful July actions in our nation's capital.
ACFV News Release June 17, 2005
Vets Ask Governor Bush for Equity
TALLAHASSEE, FL - Elderly Filipino World War II veterans recently got a
boost of support from their younger comrades in Florida.
Vietnam War-era Filipino U.S. Navy veterans committed
themselves to persuade Governor Jeb Bush to back the "Filipino Veterans Equity" pension bills S. 146 and H.R. 302 in
Four officers of the Filipino American Veterans Society of Jacksonville (FAVS) led by Art Gandionco,
accompanied Patrick Ganio, a former defender in the WWII battle in Bataan, to a May 23 meeting with Rocky McPherson,
Governor Bush's executive director of the Department of Veterans Affairs in Tallahassee.
Ganio, 84, the president
of the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV), a national advocacy group, asked McPherson for his recommendation
to the governor. During their hour-long meeting, the delegation described the importance of the growing Filipino
community in the state, now numbering more than 60,000.
McPherson, a retired Marine colonel, advised the delegation
to send a formal letter to the governor urging him to write the two Florida senators and 25 members of Congress to cosponsor
their "Filipino Veterans Equity" bills with the proposed annual budget of $22 Million.
He suggested the major
state veterans organizations like the American Legion, VFW and the Disabled American Veterans join their efforts. He
acknowledged the courageous contributions of Filipino WWII veterans and of enlisted Filipinos service members and their
families in the three military bases in Jacksonville.
Gandionco, a retired navy engineer, informed McPherson
they would be meeting that evening with influential Northeast Florida Veterans Council to seek their support.
the end of their appointment, Ganio presented McPherson with a DVD historical documentary of the Filipino WWII veterans
struggle to restore their U.S. veterans status.
Later that evening in Jacksonville, Ganio and ACFV director Eric
Lachica gave a 30-minute presentation to 36-member council presided by a former Marine, Heywood "Pete" Dowling, acting chairman.
council unanimously passed their resolution. It stated, "the General Assembly of the NORTHEAST FLORIDA VETERANS COUNCIL,
comprised of delegates representing 36 veterans organizations, urge President George W. Bush, Florida Governor Jeb Bush,
Sen. Bill Nelson, Sen. Mel Martinez and other Florida Congressional Members to support the bills S. 146 and H.R. 302
and the budget proposal of $22 Million that would fully restore the U.S. recognition to WWII Filipino veterans and to provide
them with honorable VA pensions."
The ACFV has also targeted California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to win his
crucial support this summer. For details, call ACFV at 202 246-1998 or e-mail: us.filvets@verizon.net
# # #
ACFV News Release June 6, 2005
We had a hectic Asian American AAPI Heritage Month schedule to promote
our Equity issue and to line-up more allies in our equity campaign in Washington DC.
* May 6, Corregidor
Day anniversary: We kicked-off with a protest of the Japanese Government "whitewashing" high school textbooks with a successful
media coverage in Filipino & Japanese media. Follow-up meetings with the LA, SF, CHG, and NYC consuls required.
May 8-9, Chicago forum with the American Legion Post 509 now led by Dr. Crispin Echieverri MD. Their focus is convincing
Sen. Obama (D-Illinois) member Senate VA Committee, and Rep. Henry Hyde (R), chair of the House International Relations Commitee,
to support Rep. Lane Evans proposal of $22 Million budget for S. 146 and H.R. 302.
* May 11 Forum at the USVA
Headquarters personnel with panelists Eddy R. Badrina, Director of the White House Initiative on Asian American and Pacific
Islanders; Edward Chow, Jr., Vice President of Vietnam Veterans of America and former DVA official; and Dr. Warren Minami,
Chair of the National Japanese Am. Memorial Foundation and a member of the Japanese Am. Veterans Association. As
executive director of ACFV, I assured the VA staff and officials of our continued assertive advocacy. As a grandson
of WWII Filipino veterans, Badrina expects Pres. Bush would favorably resolve our veterans issue before he leaves
office in 2008.
* May 17-18 Asian Pacific American Institute for Congressional Studies conference. Assisted Stockton-area
leader Monty Martinez and Owen Diaz, Mayor of City of Milan, MI.
* May 21, Delaware presentation at the Filipino American
Heritage & Arts Museum event with the founders Ms. Ditta Camomot and Ms. Mildred Lombardi with help of the Philadelphia
vets of the American Legion Alejo Santo Post led by Jimmy Soriano, Val Ildefonso, Reginaldo Bacordo and Rudy Diaz.
May 22, with Pat Ganio, Sr. and Richard Aquino, Disabled American Veterans service officer, in Jacksonville, Florida,
we met the leaders of the Filipino American Veterans Society (FAVS), and consulted Dr. Pedro Cruz of the Bataan-Corregidor Memorial
(www.bcmf.us) in Kissimee on common concerns.
* May 23, with officers of FAVS led by Art Gandionco USN
(ret.), we met for an hour with Col. Rocky McPherson, Governor Jeb Bush's director of FL. Veterans Affairs in Tallahasee.
Follow-up letters needed.
* May 23, with Pat Ganio, presented to the North East Florida Veterans Council
of 34 groups. They passed a resolution urging President Bush, Governor Bush, and the Florida representatives in Congress
to support our bills with the $22 M budget proposal.
* May 29, Maj. Jesse Baltazar US Air Force (ret.) of
ACFV Virginia was the guest speaker of the leaders of the Cleveland, Ohio Asian Pacific American Federation.
* May 29-30 Memorial Day events in Washington with Vietnam War Fil-Am vets
led by Rudy Torres, US Air Force (ret.), who rode their motorcycles from California to participate in the Rolling Thunder events.
The parents of Ian Manuel, a helicopter pilot of the US Army who killed in Iraq, were joined by our WWII vets at the
Arlington National Cemetery to honor our fallen heroes.
* May 31, presentation to the officers of the US Army's
Fort Detrick in Maryland. Received a plaque of appreciation from Col. William Roberts, garrison commander.
Meet your Governor's staff for a Bush letter. 2 .Visit Senators' & Reps' local offices. 3. Join Fil-Am events &
gather petitions. 4 .Attend July 24-25 Leaders Summit in DC.
Did you get the latest DVD of our 2005 Bataan Action
Days news coverage & the "Free Cabanatuan" documentary?
A $25 donation will be appreciated.
# # #
ACFV News Release January 14, 2005
Filipino Veterans Fairness Act Reintroduced
WASHINGTON, DC - On the first day of the new 109th
Congress, Representative Juanita Millender-McDonald, a Democrat from Torrance California, reintroduced the "Filipino Veterans
Fairness Act," a bill that would provide Filipino World War II veterans with monthly disability pensions in United States
and in the Philippines as well as educational and employment benefits for their dependents.
Millender-McDonald re-filed
her bill as House Resolution H.R. 170 on January 4, 2005. It was a result of her previous years’ meetings with
the leaders of the 35,000 Filipinos in her district and with Philippine Government officials. Recently on November 22, 2004,
the congresswoman met with Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in Los Angeles after the Bush-Arroyo talks in Santiago,
Chile. They discussed the veterans’ issue and other items.
Millender-McDonald is also a key leader of the Philippine-US
Friendship Caucus in Congress. In June 2003, she met with the Philippine Government delegation headed by the House of Representative
VA committee chairman Rep. Tomas Dumpit and Ambassador Del Rosario.
“We welcome the reintroduction of the
Millender-McDonald bill and the other bills that are expected to re-filed by Reps Cunningham and Filner in the House
as well as Senator Inouye in the Senate,” said Patrick Ganio, 83, the president of the American Coalition for Filipino
Veterans, Inc. (ACFV), a Washington DC-based advocacy group of 4,000 members. “We hope these bills will be the catalysts
to a new law that restores the U.S. veterans status and provides equitable VA benefits to our living heroes,”
Ganio added, a defender in the Battles in Bataan and Corregidor and a former POW.
The “Fairness bill” was originally filed
on May 6, 2003 and provides veteran benefits to the Filipino veterans who fought side by side with American soldiers during
World War II. In addition to providing desperately needed monthly disability benefits, the bill calls for home loan assistance
for U.S. based veterans, educational assistance for their U.S. and Philippine-based dependents, and employment services for
U.S. based veterans and spouses, as well as health care at the Manila VA Outpatient Clinic.
The bill's key provision provides a VA disability
pension "notwithstanding any other provision of law... at rate of $100 per month" to an estimated 15,000 poor
Philippine-based Filipino veterans.
“With Capitol Hill leaders are now grappling to cut down the federal budget deficit - now at a half-TRILLION
dollars and dealing with the Iraq War and Social Security, we can expect bitter partisan battles between the Republican majority
and the Democrats. According to congressional staff, the legislative prospects of our Filipino veterans bills look very bleak
this year, “ said Eric Lachica, ACFV executive director and a registered advocate in congress.
“Realistically, a Filipino veterans bill can only pass if Bush can be persuaded
to provide the budget line item for it in his Administration request to Congress in February or later,” Lachica emphasized.
H.R.170 may cost at least $22 Million,
he estimates.
Arroyo and Philippine Ambassador Albert Del Rosario recently called upon the Filipino American community leaders to
work as a “team” to pass veterans legislation as a “high priority.” Arroyo last November appointed
retired Maj. General Delfin Lorenzana to be her special presidential representative on veterans affairs in Washington. Earlier
on January 22, 2004, Arroyo made a written request to President Bush for a $22 Million budget for Filipino veterans pensions. The ambassador and Lorenzana are scheduled to meet next
week with Filipino American Bush supporters during the presidential inaugural activities in Washington.
# # #
May 19, 2003 ACFV News Release
White House Invites Two Filipino Veteran
to State Dinner with President Arroyo
WASHINGTON DC - (May 19, 2003) -- The White House
invited two leaders of the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV) to attend the State Dinner honoring Philippine
President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo on Monday, May 19.
ACFV president Patrick Ganio, Sr., an 82-year-old
veteran who fought in the battles of Bataan and Corregidor in 1942 and a Purple Heart recipient, was recently called by
the White House Office of Social Secretary and informed of the invitation.
Ganio was accompanied by
Eric Lachica, the Washington DC based group's executive director, a son of a WWII veteran and a long-time community organizer.
President George W. Bush and First Lady Laura Bush hosted the formal black tie and Philippine dress dinner in their
residence from 7 PM to 10:45 PM for Mrs. Arroyo, her husband Jose Miguel Arroyo and 14 members of her official delegation.
"We are deeply honored by the President and the First Lady inviting us to this historic and prestigious gathering," said Ganio.
"We will redouble our efforts in helping Mrs. Arroyo and President Bush pass legislation in the US Congress and Senate that
will restore official recognition and provide equitable VA benefits to our surviving veterans in the Philippines and in America,"
he added.
"We requested Mrs. Arroyo to specifically ask President Bush to support Senate bill S. 68 of
our longtime champion and war hero, Senator Daniel Inouye," according to Eric Lachica of the advocacy organization with 4,000
If S. 68 is made into law, 29,350 (VA new estimate) surviving veterans of the Philippine Commonwealth
Army, recognized guerrillas and New Philippine Scouts may receive medical care and disability pension benefits ($100 monthly
in the Philippines) from the Department of Veteran Affairs. Lachica estimates the bill will cost less than $40 Million
Inouye's bill was a result of previous years of negotiations between the Philippine government's
Joint Executive-Legislative Delegation, ACFV leaders, and US sponsors, led by Sen. Inouye, former congressman Benjamin Gilman
(R-NY) and Rep. Bob Filner (D-CA) on a proportional benefit formula to meet the needs of Philippine-based veterans who face
lower costs of living. Their consensus is that S. 68 is a realistic and equitable proposal that would overcome budgetary and
legislative obstacles.
Veteran leaders from Hawaii, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Jose, San Francisco, Ohio,
New York Jersey City, Philadelphia and other cities attended Sunday's 6:00 PM Filipino American community Arroyo dinner
at the Capital Hilton, and witnessed the Monday's 8:00 AM arrival welcome ceremonies for Arroyo by Bush at the White
House south lawn, and to lobbied on Capitol Hill.
# # #

U.S. Filipino WW2 vets on the White House South Lawn 5/19/2003 |