Write/e-mail your kamag-anak
in the USA!
Your Relative's Name:
(First) ________________
U.S. Address: ___________________________ Apt:
City: __________________ State: ____
Zip code:________
PHONE: (___) ______________
***** Sample letter Cut & Paste ****
Date: ___________
Dear ________________,
As your (relationship: widow/son/daughter ) of a Filipino veterans who fought for your freedom in World War II, I need your help
to pass our bills in the U.S. Congress.
Please write
or E-MAIL your U.S. Senators (www.senate.gov) and your House Representative (www.house.gov/writerep) to cosponsor and
ACT" S. 1109 of Senator Bob MENENDEZ (D-New Jersey) and H.R. 2638 of Rep. Bob FILNER (D-CA).
This bill if passed by the Senate and House would provide priority issuance
of visas to the sons and daughters of Filipino American veterans with approved immigration petitions who have patiently waited
for more than decade.
Recall in May 2006, the Senate unanimously passed an earlier version (S. Amdt. 4029 to the Comprehensive
Immigration Reform bill S. 2611).
These elderly WWII veterans bravely fought and served as U.S. soldiers
in defending our flag and country. They deserve the companionship and care from their children during their twilight years
in the USA.
As your constituent, I will appreciate a reply from your office.
SPONSOR my annual or LIFE membership dues to the non-profit American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, Inc., a national advocacy
organization in Washington DC. I have filled out their application form below. Please mail to ACFV your check (or
pay by credit card) to help us win more benefits for our veterans' dependents in the Philippines.
Very sincerely
(Signature PLEASE)
I joined the
Equity Campaign!
1) First name: ________________ Last
Name: ______________________
2) Organization:___________________________
3) PH Address: _______________________
4) City: ____________ Province: ________________
5) Home Phone: ______________________
6) Fax/E-Mail (if any): _____________________ Birth Date: ____________
7) I pledge to recruit (___) supporters and write the U.S.
President and Congress
8) Dues: (___)
$100 Family (___) $50 LIFE membership (__) $25 Annual
9) Make check payable to the:
American Coalition for Filipino Veterans
Mail to: 867
North Madison St., Arlington, VA, USA 22205